Hey guys. I'm a little behind this week and I do apologize. This week I wanted to give every husband a challenge. Everyday, I want you to log into Facebook, write in a notebook, or place a note in your phone, think of one thing a day about your spouse. Has to be genuine and something different each day. Think back to your our love was fresh and it seems the two of you were always on top of the world, what changed? Time. Things erode. But unlike some things that erode, when effort is placed on our relationships, they can shift. They CAN be rebuilt. Life is too short to waste time on bitterness over some stupid little spat. Why be angry for days over something as small as laundry not being done or forgetting to do something? That is time wasted. As a couple, every issue needs to be dissolved in a very timely fashion, with no bitterness, and both parties move forward afterwards. Men, our wives are unique and fragile pieces of craftsmanship. We need to be careful of our words spoken to them in the heat of a dispute, even if she is being hot headed. It's hard. Anyway, back to the challenge. Take time for the next six or seven days to have some quiet time. Think about her with no bitterness, no negatives. Write about her. Share it with her when you feel comfortable. Women want us to have this side of us but many men do not think it's manly. WHATEVER! This couldn't be further from the truth.
Remember, she was created for us and from us as well. We need to nurture her and respect her. Serve her and lead her. She is the gift given to us by God. Thank you and God bless y'all.
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