Good Friday marks the day that Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. When I sit back and think about this, it is truly overwhelming. He had followers that turned their back to Him. He had disciples that betrayed Him. He had people mocking Him. He had people spitting at Him. All of this, while He had a Father who commanded that He do this, DIE for us. At the time of His death, it was, I'm sure, pure chaos. To feel betrayed by the very people that only days before were His supporters and to know to fulfill the role He was sent here to portray, He must DIE. Not be beaten, not lose friends, but all things that we could not do for our brother. He was beaten a beating that would kill many men, and carried His cross up on that hill, and wept for mankind. People celebrated His death. The Pharisees felt that they were right all along. And those that followed Jesus felt lost. Good Friday doesn't sound so good from that aspect, but what He did for us on that day, that's what makes it good. I'm sure there was mourning on Saturday for those that were on His side. And I'm sure the celebrations continued for those that thought they had defeated Jesus. But here comes Sunday! The Sunday that Easter represents. This is the glorious day that Jesus cut those celebrations short, proved Himself to everyone that He was who He said He was, and still is today. That was the day He conquered death and conquered satan once again.
Easter isn't about the candy, or the bunnies, or the eggs. It's about the resurrection of the Man we call Jesus Christ. Take time tomorrow to put this into perspective. Sit down at some point and share this with the little ones, and the adults. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. And God bless you all.
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