Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Jot a Note!!!!!

Hey guys. I'm a little behind this week and I do apologize. This week I wanted to give every husband a challenge. Everyday, I want you to log into Facebook, write in a notebook, or place a note in your phone, think of one thing a day about your spouse. Has to be genuine and something different each day. Think back to your our love was fresh and it seems the two of you were always on top of the world, what changed? Time. Things erode. But unlike some things that erode, when effort is placed on our relationships, they can shift. They CAN be rebuilt. Life is too short to waste time on bitterness over some stupid little spat. Why be angry for days over something as small as laundry not being done or forgetting to do something? That is time wasted. As a couple, every issue needs to be dissolved in a very timely fashion, with no bitterness, and both parties move forward afterwards. Men, our wives are unique and fragile pieces of craftsmanship. We need to be careful of our words spoken to them in the heat of a dispute, even if she is being hot headed. It's hard. Anyway, back to the challenge. Take time for the next six or seven days to have some quiet time. Think about her with no bitterness, no negatives. Write about her. Share it with her when you feel comfortable. Women want us to have this side of us but many men do not think it's manly. WHATEVER! This couldn't be further from the truth.

Remember, she was created for us and from us as well. We need to nurture her and respect her. Serve her and lead her. She is the gift given to us by God. Thank you and God bless y'all.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good Friday and Easter

Good Friday marks the day that Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. When I sit back and think about this, it is truly overwhelming. He had followers that turned their back to Him. He had disciples that betrayed Him. He had people mocking Him. He had people spitting at Him. All of this, while He had a Father who commanded that He do this, DIE for us. At the time of His death, it was, I'm sure, pure chaos. To feel betrayed by the very people that only days before were His supporters and to know to fulfill the role He was sent here to portray, He must DIE. Not be beaten, not lose friends, but all things that we could not do for our brother. He was beaten a beating that would kill many men, and carried His cross up on that hill, and wept for mankind. People celebrated His death. The Pharisees felt that they were right all along. And those that followed Jesus felt lost. Good Friday doesn't sound so good from that aspect, but what He did for us on that day, that's what makes it good. I'm sure there was mourning on Saturday for those that were on His side. And I'm sure the celebrations continued for those that thought they had defeated Jesus. But here comes Sunday! The Sunday that Easter represents. This is the glorious day that Jesus cut those celebrations short, proved Himself to everyone that He was who He said He was, and still is today. That was the day He conquered death and conquered satan once again.

Easter isn't about the candy, or the bunnies, or the eggs. It's about the resurrection of the Man we call Jesus Christ. Take time tomorrow to put this into perspective. Sit down at some point and share this with the little ones, and the adults. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. And God bless you all.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Men, in today's society we have a lot on our plate. It's a huge problem when we do not have the right things on that plate. The world has caused us to be consumed with things that take up time and effort that should be guided elsewhere. Money. Don't get me wrong here, we have to earn a living. That's just it, earn a living. There's nothing in the Bible that states we should earn an abundance of riches. In fact, the Bible tells us to give it away. Give to the needy, the poor, put back into the church. But we are stuck with this idea that we need more and more money. Whether it's to customize a car, fix a man cave, or to get tickets to a ball game, if it misaligns the priorities, it needs to be rearranged. Things cost more and more just to live, so please be careful to not put work before your wife. Quality time with your wife is priceless compared to a day at work. Trust me, she will appreciate it, too. Another thing that many men do not realize is the choices they make for friendships. Now, this may seem silly at first, but there really isn't any business for a man to have a female companion other than his wife. This is a dangerous red flag. May not seem so at first, but it could always lead to a temptation that can be devastating to your marriage. It may start with friendly talk, or a small moment of confiding in her after a dispute with your wife, and could lead to far worse. Leave the female friendships to your wife. And time....what do we spend our time doing? Are we reading our favorite car mag while our wife is striving for attention? Are we scrolling our fb while our wife impatiently waits for a conversation? Our time is so constricted already, we do not need to deprive our wives further. The only thing that should take precedence in this category is spending time with God; studying and praying. But even too much of that could be hazardous to your marriage. Our wife is our tender gift from God. He wants us to cherish her and take care of her every need. So let's get our heads right and straighten out our priorities. GOD, WIFE, KIDS..... everything else falls into place after these. The best love triangle in the world is that of God, husband, and wife. He created it, so to strive, He must be involved in it.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Husband's Role

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. (Ephesians 5:22-33 ESV)

This is an awesome passage. It is the PERFECT model for marriage. A man has a job to do in a marriage. And within that job he has some huge tasks. Head of household, spiritual leader, provider, disciplinary.... the list is long. But as men we tend to get get lost in this and confuse what God wants. We look at being a disciplinary as being the one who carries the big stick, so to speak. Not as one who disciplines out of love. Head of household, men are the boss. To a sense, we are. We are like the president of the house but we are suppose to clear all decisions with the cabinet (our wife.) We are not suppose to be a ruler over an inferior woman. We are equal. The two most important I think are spiritual leader and provider. We are suppose to follow God with all our might. And lead our families in the right direction. And LEAD BY EXAMPLE. At this we fail miserably. Next is being a provider, and in this falls many things. Provider of finances, tenderness and caring for the family, especially our wives. She is our partner. The other half of our one in God's eyes. We are to treat her with the greatest of respect. Time, the provider of time. Again, for the whole family, but most importantly the wife. Men must connect with the wife on many levels; mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. CONNECT! It's a great task, and with God's helping hands, we can and will prevail. I could go further  with the wife's role, but that is my wife's specialty. I'm focusing on the men and want to see the way the world treats wives turn around. This is something I found floating around on the internet and it's more good food for thought. "When God created woman, she was taken from the rib of man as described in Genesis. She was not taken from his foot so that she may be crushed under his heel in bitterness. Neither was she taken from his head so that she might rule over him. She was not taken from the hand so that she might continually fill the position of waiting on him. She was taken from the rib of man so that she might continually be by his side. She is to be loved and is to respond as a part of his body. Husbands and wives are a part of each other." 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Marriage is Important

I feel like the Bible is full of important relationships. In all of them there is instruction on how to nurture. Once all these relationships in the Bible have been laid out, you will see that the most important in God's eyes is the marriage (other than with Him, of course). We have strayed so far from the way He intended marriage to be that the world is in a sad place. Divorce rates are skyrocketing, and many times if a marriage isn't heading for divorce, one or both parties live miserably. It doesn't have to be this way. We live in a world that is so money hungry, fast paced, and full of sin that our priorities are out of sorts. Women are overtaking the workplace. Men who can manage a great corporation but can't manage a home. Husbands and wives sitting in silence for hours because of disconnect. It's time to get reconnected. Get connected with Jesus first and sort through and get priorities lined up with God's will, I promise things will start to look forward again. Over the next few blogs I'll try to hit on some high points specifically. These are high points that I have learned along the way, or things I gained through the readings in the Bible. So stay tuned in and I hope you enjoy. Have a nice day and God bless you all....and you marriages.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Man- a leader, a servant.

Men are designed to be leaders. Not only of other men, but of their homes as well. For many men, this role is abused or sometimes abandoned. Jesus was a leader, but He was also a servant. First, yet He was last. This is the way He wants us to be as well. He wants us to love and lead our wives, but also to serve and respect her. If we follow the lead Jesus gave us, we can't go wrong. Treat her the way He treats the church, kindheartedly, humbly, with love and service. If this were the basis for which men treated women, I'm sure there would be a revolution in relationships all over the world.