I watched a YouTube video today that was very interesting, calling out Barack Obama as the antichrist. Using two verses in particular, Luke 10:18 and Isaiah 14:14,and translating the president's name to come to this conclusion. The pronunciation of Barack is similar to the Hebrew or Aramaic word for the term lightening, while O is combining the word with heights. Translation to old language is pronounced close to Bama. End result of translation, Barack Obama equals lightening from the heights. We associate the heavens with being above the clouds which is what satan said he was ascending to in Isaiah. Makes sense, and while I can't debunk this, I can't really disagree either. During his presidency, Obama has manage to deteriorate and demoralize our nation as a whole. He has made us look weak and foolish to our peers and our enemies. If we look at recent events in the world, and watch John Hagee's Blood Moon sermon, this is definitely looking more and more like the end times than ever. It is not going to get better, I'm afraid. But I am thankful for the forgiveness and salvation that Jesus has gifted me with. When worse turns into worst, we will have ascending to our eternal home with Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Our Wife is the Church
Many men in today's society do not understand the task they had taken on when they joined their wife in marriage. Many men do not understand how we are suppose to treat our wives. See, a model was created a long, long time ago. That model simulates Jesus and the church. Our wives are in the position of the church. Men, we have the role of Jesus. When we look at how we are doing, passing or failing, well, we are failing and doing it miserably. We are suppose to love and cherish our wives above and beyond anything on this earth. We, as men, we're designed as superior, so that we could be inferior. So that we could take ourselves and put our wives in front of us, take care of her, massage her feet, play with her hair, whatever it is that she may need. See, while our wives are in the role of the church, we are in the role as Jesus. Many people think, "Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Look. We look at our wives daily but think not of putting them first. We don't think to ask her what we could do for her. I said earlier we were failing. Yes. But we don't even know why. Fear is why we fail. We are too afraid to be the men God is calling us to be as husbands. We are too afraid to kneel down and become inferior to our wives to serve her needs. It's OK. We can fix this. See, Adam was given a mate and her name was Eve. Adam didn't get it right back then either and allowed Eve to be fooled by the devil. The devil is sneaky and convinced Eve to pull Adam into the same trap. All because Adam wasn't the man he needed to be at the right moments. That's the short story. There was another man that was brought unto this earth later. His name was Jesus. He lived a life of service to His people and still serves His children today. He is King, yet He bows down to serve us. He, in His power, could bring havoc when we do wrong and be bitter towards us. But, see, He is a perfect gentlemen. When we fall, He falls at our side to pick us up. He dusts us off and He always listens when we pray. So look at your wife and ask yourself whether you want serve her like Adam served Eve, or do you want to love cherish and serve her the way Jesus does His church?